Shit I Don't Get Vol. 1
Celestial Marriage: What the hell? Obviously, anything having to do with Mormons or the Church of Latter-Day Saints is beyond my comprehension. I am convinced Mormons are aliens sent to Earth to destroy activities I take seriously--drinking, promiscuity, smoking, etc. The idea that a man "needs" more than one wife for the celestial kingdom is not only obnoxious, but it's downright annoying. That's not what it's about; it allows a man to have extra-marital affairs in a manner in which they are justified. All I know is that I can't wait for these polygamist men to find out there is no such thing as a "celestial kingdom" and their marriage isn't "heavenly". I just wish I could be there to say "I told you so".
Speedos: Unless you're an athlete, more specifically, an Olympic swimmer, there's no need for any man to wear a Speedo**. I'm not talking about the Speedo brand; I'm talking about a "Speedo"! I live in Florida and when the Snow Birds (Canadians) are here for the winter, I see my fair share of pale white, hairy, fat men wearing Speedos. They have no modesty. They let it all hang out. I've seen some fruit baskets in my life, but nothing compares to these dandies. These men come to the beach and bend over to put their towel down and share with me their family jewels. Not some I want to see, but thanks for sharing. Unless you're going to do a triathalon (the swimming part) in the Atlantic Ocean, there's no reason to wear a Speedo. Even wearing one for sun tanning is unacceptable. Wear beach shorts and when you want to tan, hike the shorts up your legs like normal guys do. That way, we aren't forced to see the outline of your package.
Recently, we were at Hollywood Beach and a man came with his daughter and when he got there, he put his stuff down right in front of us. He then proceeded to strip down to nothing but a Speedo and a sweater (his chest hair). We all noticed his Speedo was on inside out and apparently, he noticed as well. Moments later, he went into the water, far enough out so he could take off his Speedo and turn it right side out. Then he came back to shore and laid down right in front of us, showing us his not so private parts.
Please, for the sake of humanity, either go to a nude beach and let it all hang out, or put on shorts with an appropriate length. Your wife may not mind (although I'm sure she's so embarrassed she won't even be seen with you at the same beach) but the rest of us do. Even Michael Phelps can barely pull of a Speedo.
**Unless you look like this guy in the yellow Speedo, Speedos should be illegal for you. And even then it's not that appealing...a hunk in a Speedo leaves nothing to the imagination.
How To Agree With Someone Who Thinks Their Baby Is Cute When In Fact It Is Not: This is the worst position to be put in. Your friend/family member just had a baby. You're excited because you think all babies are cute...they're harmless innocent babies, how can they not be cute, right? F**king wrong my friend. I have met many babies that I find downright's not their fault. But I get tongue tied and I start to sweat when I encounter a fugly baby and have to pretend that it's the cutest thing since the Olsen Twins on Full House. To Parents of Ugly Children: Although this is your child and you think the kid is the cutest thing on Earth, there has to be a small part of you that knows the child is NOT cute. So, please don't put your friends and family members in a position to agree with you when you hem and haw over the alien looking baby. It makes us feel uncomfortable when you force us to lie. Luckily, most ugly babies grow out of their fugliness. For the ones who don't, sorry. Life isn't fair.
shit I don't get is why does a 'heavy' girl see the need to wear the tightest clothing and then top it off with stilletos? I have seen some women right here in Rhinelander wearing tight minis, even tighter tanks with all their glory hanging out. Then they top it off with the mile high shoes all the while snapping their gum. I am not racist either but these girls are either black, of spanish descent or american indian...yuck.
Well, plenty of white women wear the same thing. Fat white women are notorious for cameltoe.
P.S. Chances are, I know exactly who you're talking about in Rhinelander. I probably graduated with most of them. LOL
Love the new series! Definitely keep it going.
Ho-K, first I have to be an ass and comment on the obvious contradiction in your writing: "I'm not prejudiced or racist" followed by, "Is it that they're good eaters, and there's always a guarantee of fried chicken at the dinner table?" Hahahahaha! Love it :) Next, I'm glad your mentioned our unfortunate sighting at the beach a few weeks ago and dragged that man through the mud as he deserves it. And lastly, does the fugly baby section also refer to other individuals?
Jes, I feel like I had to write a disclaimer before I ripped into people. LOL. It's a natural contradiction. I love it.
And yes, that hairy man from the beach deserved what I have to say about him. Not only did he offend me with his banana hammock, but he offended me with his hairy inner thighs and the way he screamed at his daughter to sit on the beach while he went in the water to fix his Speedo. What...a douchebag.
Fugly baby section could refer to other people I suppose? What were you when people say "isn't my boyfriend handsome?" and you literally do NOT have anything nice to say? yea, i've been there.
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